Assessment of foreign education in the admissions procedure ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Assessment of foreign secondary and tertiary education in the admissions procedure of Char For applicants to bachelor’s and long-cycle master’s programmes of study If you completed the previous level of education at a foreign secondary school, submit one documents: a proving that a foreign document concerning the obtainment of secondary educat recognised as equivalent or valid in the Czech Republic (so-called “nostrification”), or a the granting of the European Baccalaureate, or a foreign document concerning a foreign sec completed with a “maturita” examination, if it is deemed automatically equivalent in the C in accordance with its international agreements without any further administrative procedu school leaving certificate” from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, or Slovenia), or a foreign doc a foreign secondary education to be assessed by the faculty (for a fee of CZK 930). Detail about the manner of proving fulfilment of the requirement of obtainment of secondary educa “maturita” school-leaving examination for graduates of foreign secondary schools is availa faculty website in section here [ URL "PEDFEN-306-version1-assessment_of_foreign_education For applicants to post-bachelor and doctoral programmes of study If you completed the previous higher education at a foreign higher education institution, of the following documents: a document obtained in accordance with sections 89 and 90 of t Education Act proving general recognition of a foreign higher education in the Czech Repub “nostrification”); a foreign document concerning a foreign higher education if it is deeme equivalent in the Czech Republic in accordance with its international agreements without a administrative procedures (a higher education diploma and diploma supplement from Slovakia Hungary, or Slovenia); or a foreign document concerning a foreign higher education to be a the Faculty (for a fee of CZK 930). Detailed information about the manner of proving fulfi requirement of completion of a bachelor’s or master’s programme of study for graduates of education institutions is available on the faculty website in section here [ URL "PEDFEN-3 assessment_of_foreign_education_2024.pdf"] (from page 3).