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  • Research Funding at Charles University

Research Funding at Charles University

Charles universtiy Grant Agency

The Charles University Grant Agency (GA UK) was founded in 1993 and is the university’s internal grant agency. Currently, only students enrolled at Charles University and studying in doctoral or masters programs in standard length of study may submit new grant applications.

The process of grant allocation for each new round of the grant competition begins at the latest at the beginning of each academic year, announced by the rector and specific deadlines for submitting applications are set annually by the rector and are published on Charles University’s webpages as well as the GA UK website.

Online video semianr for GAUK applicants will be held October 5 2021, 10:00-12:00 GMT+2, link: https://cuni-cz.zoom.us/j/91558947518

Start programme

The Start programme is a new programme to support research at CU, which is open to students of doctoral programmes at the University. The programme is realised as part of the following project: Grant schemes at CU, Research, Development and Education, CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016935

Guidelines for GAUK/START researchers

Charles University Research Development Schemes (PRVOUK)

The Charles University Research Development Schemes (known under the Czech acronym PRVOUK) have been providing institutional support for research at Charles University since 2012. The schemes are financed from the funding received from the state budget to support the University’s long-term strategic development as a research organization (known as ‘institutional funding’). The aim of the schemes is to maintain and improve the quality and quantity of research outputs at the University – not only on a national level, but also internationally. The schemes are open for a five-year period (until the end of 2016). Currently PRVOUK incorporates 48 programmes ranging from humanities and social sciences to medicine and natural sciences. All 17 faculties and 4 other parts of the University are involved in the programmes, some of which are involve cooperation among different faculties.

Charles University Monographs Competition

The primary aim of this competition is to reward the authors of high-quality monographs and their ‘home’ faculties (or other parts of the University). The competition is intended to complement the existing system of institutional funding to higher education institutions. The most important monographs published by the University during a given period are evaluated by two expert committees (one for humanities and the other for medicine and natural sciences) according to clearly defined standards that must be met by any publication for it to be considered a major contribution to its field. The competition is open to faculties and other parts of the University which receive institutional funding to support their long-term strategic development.

Specific Academic Research Projects Competition

The purpose of this competition is to support research pursued at the University as part of accredited doctoral and Master’s degree programmes. The competition is held annually for projects lasting one year. It is open to research teams from all faculties and CERGE (the Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education).

For more information, please contact Mgr. Lothar Filip Rudorer at: filip.rudorfer@pedf.cuni.cz

Last change: November 23, 2021 12:03 
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