Organisational structure

Department of French Language and Literature


The Department of French Language and Literature provides the complete education to the future teachers of French language and literature in both undergraduate and graduate degrees. The Bachelor degree aims to build systematically the speech competences and it offers the basic theoretical fundaments. All major linguistic and literary disciplines are covered taking into account the history as well as the most recent developments. The BA studies offer also the courses on French and francophone civilization within the European cultural context. Beside that, the students are taught to grasp the geopolitics of the French speaking countries on a worldwide scale. The MA curriculum allows students to acquire a more specialized insight into linguistics, literature and literary criticism. The basic courses are completed by practical training in teaching skills of the French language and the graduate also acquires a general knowledge of pertaining methods and education science. Our Department also provides specialized three-year courses for the elementary and secondary school teachers and the doctoral studies (Ph.D.) with specialization in Pedagogy and Didactics of French. Our Department has established many valuable partnerships with other universities and it coordinates the Erasmus + exchange program for undergraduates, graduates and scholars.





Last change: March 25, 2020 16:30 
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