Information for newly admitted PhD students

  • All students who successfully met the requirements for the admission examination to the Faculty of Education of Charles University to the doctoral study for both full time and combined study programme and who have demonstrated the fulfilment of additional admission requirements (stamped, apostille or superlegalized master diploma) published in the admission requirements for the upcoming academic year.

  • Once these requirements have been met, you will be promptly notified of the decision regarding your admission for study and then allowed to enrol pursuant to Section 51 of the Higher Education Act.

  • Once student receives the decision of admission, they shall contact a person from the Department of Research and Scientific Activities regarding the reservation of dormitory. Students have to pay the reservation fee ahead before coming in person to Prague.

25.7.2022 10:00 Prague time RECORDING from the onboarding seminar

Welcome day 2024

Welcome Day for New International Degree Students 2024 - PhD Candidates: 23. 10. from 13:00 - 14:45 at Kampus Hybernská, building E. Registration HERE, more information HERE.


Information regarding accommodation and food facilities can be found at the UK dormitory address. and

Reservation of the dormitories is done by the Department of Science and Research officer per request by email, students have to report their date of arrival and leave (from DATE to DATE) to: in order for the officer to make an appointment. Once the paperwork for reservation is done, students recieve a copy for visa application in their email and snail mail adress filled in the application form.

The overall process is as follows:

  1. student provides a date of arrival (estimated date is sufficient due to the fact that visa process may take up to 90 days)

  2. reservation is issued

  3. student pays the reservation fee

  4. verification of temporary residence is provided to the student

Students can also make a reservation on their own via the provided links above. Students should inform the dormitory office - - about the specific date of their arrival to Prague.


After receiving reservation verification, students can then fly to Prague and visit the Department of Science and Research office to sign documentation of admission and to receive directions to where to get their student ID (more info here:

You can then pick up your student ID card at: UK Point - ground floor - Praha 1 - Celetná 13

Office hours:

Mo-Thu: 9:00–12:00, 12:30–18:00

Fri: 9:00–12:00, 12:30–16:00


Introduction to CUNI systems

SIS completion manual can be downloaded here:

SIS manual Video tutorial for ISP setup EN ISP setup DE

note.: see the picture below for an example of the SIS layout

Study courses are provided and administered by the supervisor of each student. ISPs should be in compliance with and negotiated prior to submission to the SIS system. Specific structure of the ISP is realted to the study major descriptions avaliable here:


Useful links:

CUNI PhD student welcome day

CUNI PhD student HUB

CUNI SIS orientation

Visa process in Czech Republic

Student Visa

Procedure for Foreign Students Confirming Accommodation at the Halls of Residence at Charles University in Prague

Czech Republic Visa application process

1) If the student has visa with validity period shorter than one year, he/she can extend it up to 1 year (which is the maximum duration of this type of visa). He/she can apply for the extension in person at regional offices on the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic or via post (how to extend a long-term visa). Student who was already granted by a long-term visa can also directly apply for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of “studies”. This new application has to be made in person at an OPC´s office (how to lodge a new application for a long-term visa).

2) If a student already has long-term residence for purpose of “studies” which validity is expiring soon, he/she can extend it in person or via post (how to extend a long-term residence permit). This is applied only in case the student continues his/her studies at the same school/university.

3) There is a special OPC office at Hládkov for foreign students with residence in Prague.

4) In some cases there is an application fee required. If you send your application via post, please do not forget to attach fee stamps of respective value. More information can be found under corresponding hyperlinks. Overview of fees can be found here.

Forms needed for submission to Czech MOI:

- Verification of Study status in the Czech Republic

- Verification of income*

- Verification of housing (Dorm conract)

- Verification of travel insurance**

- Verification of health insurance**

* Provided by the facutly per request only for full-time PhD students, researhcers and post-docs with a work contract with Charles University

** Faculty does not provide

Important living costs for applicants


Average Living costs per year

Food (2,000 – 3,000 €)

Accommodation (dormitory - 1,770 €)

Books (university libraries for free) (158 €)

Public transportation (135 €)

+ Health insurance*

+ Visa, admin fee, student ID card, recognition of secondary education

+ Entertainment, winter clothes etc.


Total (average): 5,100 €* per year

*prices can change based on the current inflation

Private housing

  • The prices of accommodation vary considerably according to size, occupancy, quality and location. It is not difficult to find private accommodation in our university cities. For a 2-bedroom flat (two rooms and kitchen) situated in the centre of Prague you can pay about CZK 12,000 – 20,000. It can be half as expensive in Pilsen and Hradec Králové. However, please take into account that it is not so easy to find short-term rentals. Not all landlords are willing to sign tenancy agreements for less than 12 months, but many agencies are providing living units for a short stay (renting a room - pronájem pokoje / renting an apartment - pronájem bytu). more information regarding admissions/onboarding

*Students are in Czech Social security system regarded as citizens up to 26 years of age only. Your work/student status as a postdoc can be internationaly recognised in other ways than in social security deductible.


- Students have to come to Czech Republic in person in order to get fully enrolled in their studies. Each student is responsible for their own visa process. In case students need to apply for long-term permit, they can make an appointment with a visa officer at and submit the necessary documentation in person during the appointment (study verification, verification of temporary residence in the Czech Republic from the dormitory or landlord of a residence, verification of income or scholarship).

- Full-time studets are obligated to set up a Czech bank account in person in Czech Republic in order to recieve any schollarship support. This needs to be done by the student, the faculty cannot assist in these matters in any way as a legal or finantial signatory.

- Faculty of Education CUNI does not provide any assistance regarding the visa process as the legal signatory/person has to apply as an individual, therefore the faculty cannot provide any assistance in regards to the visa application exept providing necessary documentaion (verification of student status, etc.). Faculty representatives cannot walk with you to the visa office and act as interpeters/transaltors. For assistance, you may use Centrum Carolina or CUNI Staff Welcome Centre.

Last change: November 28, 2024 09:44