Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR)
Development of National and Cultural Identity Programmes (NAKI, NAKI II)
The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) was established in 1993. It is an independent institution providing grants to fund basic research via projects ranging from 2 to 3 years in duration. The Czech Science Foundation provides funding for research projects which are selected annually on the basis of a public competition. It also finances projects implemented via bilateral and European international programmes. Every year the Foundation receives around 3000 applications for grant funding, of which around a quarter are successful. Charles University has been receiving GAČR funding since 1996; the University currently accounts for almost 20 per cent of all GAČR-funded projects.
These GA ČR projects are currently being solved at the Faculty of Education:
22-01308S Poptávka rodičů po stínovém vzdělávání: kontexty, procesy, determinanty a konsekvence
Mgr. Bc. Vít Šťastný, Ph.D.
21-09064S Heterogenita ve způsobu odpovídaní v dotazníkových šetřeních napříč různými zeměmi, školami a skupinami studentů
2021 - 2024
Voňková Hana doc. PhDr. RNDr., Ph.D., Ph.D.
Vliv rodičovských výchovných strategií na míru a způsob užívání digitálních technologií malými dětmi (ve věku 6-9 let)
2021 - 2024
Lukavská Kateřina Mgr., Ph.D.
GA20-24867S Ztvárnění prostoru v románech Jima Crace a Simona Mawera
2020 – 2023
Chalupský Petr doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
GA20-05484S Analýza determinantů sebehodnocení znalostí anglického jazyka a motivace k učení se anglickému jazyku u českých žáků nižšího sekundárního stupně
2020 -2022
Řešitel: Voňková Hana doc. PhDr. RNDr., Ph.D., Ph.D.
GA18-25057S Kvalifikace "otevřených" vegetačních společenstev prostřednictvím Integrated Plant Record vegetační analýzy
doc. RNDr. Vasilis Teodoridis, Ph.D.
GA18-19056S Faktory ovlivňujícící kognitivní a nekognitivní výsledky žáků ve středním odborném vzdělávání. Úloha pocitu akademické marnosti a kultury školy
doc. RNDr. Jana Straková, Ph.D.
GA18-00939S Souvislosti mezi školním a stínovým vzděláváním: případ českých nižších sekundárních škol
Mgr. Vít Šťastný, Ph.D.
2018 - 2020
GA20-18545S Žádané školy: Podmínky volby základní školy ve venkovském prostoru
2020 - 2022
Co-researcher: RNDr. Dominik Dvořák, Ph.D.
Project number: GBP402/12/G130
Project titler: The relationships between skills, schooling and labor market outcomes: A longitudinal study
Main investigator: prof. Jan Švejnar, Ph.D.
Co-investigator: PhDr.David Greger, Ph.D.
Duration: 2012-2018
Project number: GA15-19158S
Project title: Formative assessment of students through educational objectives
Main Investigator: PhDr. Karel Starý, Ph.D.
Duration: 2015-2017
Project number: GA15-25137S
Project title: Transnational trends in school curricula and their influence in a national educational system
Main Investigator: RNDr. Dominik Dvořák, Ph.D.
Duration: 2015-2017
Project number: GA16-06134S
Project title: Context problems as a key to the application and understanding of mathematical concepts
Main Investigator: doc. RNDr. Naďa Vondrová, Ph.D.
Duration: 2016-2018
Project number: GA16-17708S
Project title: Home Education - Facts, Analyses, Diagnostics
Main Investigator: Mgr. Yvona Kostelecká, Ph.D.
Duration: 2016-2018
Project number: GA16-21302S
Project title: Burnout syndrom of teachers - institutional, relational and intrapsychic factors
Main Investigator: doc. PhDr. Stanislav Štech, CSc.
Duration: 2016-2018
Project number: 17-02993S
Project title: Factors influencing the ICT skill self-assessments of upper-secondary school students
Main Investigator: PhDr. Hana Voňková, PhD.
Duration: 2017-2019
Project number: 17-07101S
Project title: Preconceptions, construction and reconstruction of teaching assistants' professional identity
Main Investigator: doc. PhDr. Vanda Hájková, Ph.D.
Duration: 2017-2018
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR) is a state body which was set up in 2009 to centralize state support for applied research and development. The Agency’s main role is to prepare and implement programmes for applied research, experimental development and innovation, thus helping to boost the Czech Republic’s competitiveness and support economic growth. One of the key benefits of the Agency’s work is the strengthening of ties between research institutions and the commercial sector. Charles University has been a recipient of TAČR funding for projects since 2010, when the Agency announced its first public competition as part of the ALFA programme. In the third competition almost a third of the projects submitted by Charles University were approved for funding – twice the average success rate.
This TA ČR project is currently being solved at the Faculty of Education:
TITSMSMT801 Ověření dopadů zavedení povinného posledního ročníku předškolního vzdělávání formulovaného poskytovatelem v rámci zadávacího řízení
PhDr. David Greger, Ph. D.
2018TL01000365-S Klíčové gramotnostní dovednosti u žáků základních škol – testová diagnostická baterie
PhDr. PaedDr. Anna Kucharská, Ph.D.
2018TL01000399-S Supervize – prevence učitelského vyhoření
doc. PhDr. Irena Smetáčková, Ph.D.
TLO1000046 HistoryLab: Využití technologií k rozvoji historické gramotnosti
2018 - 2020
Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů
Řešitel za PedF: Mgr. Jaroslav Pinkas, Ph.D.
TL02000226 Evaluace postupů pro bezpečnou praktickou výuku chemie ve školách
2019 - 2022
Hlavní příjemce: ČVUT
Spoluřešitel: prof. PhDr. Martin Bílek, PhD.
TL03000213 Analýza a podpora rozvoje kompetencí dětí v oblasti bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví
Doba řešení 2020-2023
PhDr. Barbora Loudová Stralczynská Ph.D.
TL03000133 Nová metoda vzdělávání pro 21. století: Virtual-Co-Teaching
Doba řešení: 2020-2023
prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Veteška Ph.D., MBA
TL03000469 Podpora integrace matematické, čtenářské a jazykové gramotnosti u žáků základních škol
Doba řešení: 2020-2023
Řešitel: doc. RNDr. Naďa Vondrová Ph.D.
Project number: TD03000063
Project titler: Innovation in History Education: The Development of Digital Application for Work with Primary Sources
Main investigator: Mgr. Kamil Činátl, Ph.D.
Co-investigator: PhDr. Hana Havlůjová, Ph.D.
Duration: 2016-2017
NAKI and NAKI II are research programmes run by the Czech Ministry of Culture to support applied research and development projects connected with national and cultural identity and cultual heritage. The duration of the NAKI programme is the period 2011–2017. Three public competitions (for 2011, 2012 and 2013) have been held within the programme; 13 projects featuring Charles University have been approved for funding. The duration of the NAKI II programme is the period 2016–2022.
Research at the Faculty of Education lays great store on the development of didactic strands as distinct disciplines and linked with general didactic knowledge and psychology and related research branches. In its research and educational activities, the Faculty of Education collaborates with nursery schools and kindergartens, primary schools and schools for lower and upper secondary education.
Government Office for Science, Research and Innovations
All research crucially depends on adequate funding. From public finances, Charles University receives what is termed “institutional funding”. The allocated amounts of institutional funding are based on previous research output and are used to finance the Charles University Research Development Schemes (PROGRES), which are strategically targeted in order to strengthen the principal fields of research at the University. A lesser part of the above-mentioned funds is used as targeted support of (mostly young) researchers at the best-performing CU departments or institutes (UNCE) and to fund other minor schemes. In addition to these funds, researchers also need specific-purpose grants for individual research projects - whether from national sources Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR), Internal Grant Scheme of the Ministry of Healthcare (CZ) etc.) or from abroad (e.g. EU Framework Programmes including ERC). Independent research by students, especially in doctoral programmes, is funded by the University's own Charles University Grant Agency. To some extent, the funding opportunities are also a function of the institution's potential for transferring new knowledge and technologies into practice, a task entrusted mainly to the University’s Centre for Transfer of Knowledge and Technology.