• Faculty
  • International collaboration

International collaboration

The Faculty of Education is actively engaged in international collaboration. After 1989, it participated in several European projects TEMPUS, 5FP, 6FP and 7FP including EACEA projects. It is currently involved in some ERASMUS+ KA1, KA2, KA3 projects, AKTION activities, Visegrad programme, etc.

For its international activities in teaching and research, the Faculty of Education exploits bilateral agreements; the Faculty figures in about 60 bilateral agreements of Charles University, the most wide-ranging collaboration is developed with universities in Germany, Poland and Slovakia.

The Faculty of Education also supports the ERASMUS+ student mobility scheme. It has about 190 bilateral agreements (mainly with universities in Germany, France, Slovakia, Spain and Poland). Annually, about 120 foreign students from about 17 countries arrive at the Faculty of Education (most are from Germany, Slovakia, France, Spain and Portugal).

An Overview of European cooperation projects 2018-2022

Overview of the cooperation in a chart: Overview_Int project_Faculty of Education CUNI_2018-2022

Last change: November 3, 2022 11:02