Academic Senate

The academic senate of the Faculty of Education, Charles University, is the highest self-governing representative body within the Faculty of Education.

A total of 24 senatorial seats are evenly divided between 12 elected representatives from among the faculty and staff and 12 elected student representatives. Senatorial elections are held every year. The student representatives are voted in for a two-year mandate and the faculty employees for a three-year mandate. This means that each election in effect replaces one half of the student representatives and one third of the elected faculty and staff members.

The main duties of the academic senate include:

· jointly and consensually appointing or removing the Faculty Dean;

· approving proposals concerning the Faculty’s internal regulations;

· approving the Faculty’s activity and economic performance reports;

· approving the Dean’s proposal concerning the appointment and removal of members of the Faculty Scientific Board and the Faculty Disciplinary Committee;

· adjudicating the Dean’s proposal as to which Faculty departments or sections should be created or discontinued.

The Academic senate also addresses all fundamental questions pertaining to the functioning of the Faculty and the education of future teachers.

The Faculty of Education academic senate cooperates with senates from other faculties of education, within the framework of the Association of Academic Senates of Czech Faculties of Education, of which it is a member.

Code of procedure for the Academic Senate

Code of electoral procedure for the Academic Senate

If you want to reach the presidium of the Senat, send an e-mail to .

Management and Members

Last change: February 26, 2023 09:55