Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University announces selection procedure UKPedF/181565/2023 for positions:
a) Assistant - Academic Staff at Department of English Language and Literature for TEFL and practical language
Basic requirements:
completed MA degree aned Ph.D. degree
the field of Didactics of English Language, Educational Sciences or English Philology
a minimum of 3 year´s teaching experience in the field at university
Other requirements:
fluent English, written and oral skills for the purpose of lecturing, academic writing, working in international teams etc.
a list of publications
research areas:
research methods in Didactics of English Language
English Philology
Employment: 0,7
Expected start: October 2023
b) Assistant - Academic Staff –post-doctoral fellow at Department of English Language and Literature for TEFL and practical language
Basic requirements:
completed MA degree aned Ph.D. degree
the field of Didactics of English Language or Educational Sciences
a minimum of 2 year´s experience in teaching Didactics of English Language at university
Other requirements:
fluent English, written and oral skills for the purpose of lecturing, academic writing, working in international teams etc.
a list of publications
research areas:
research methods in Didactics of English Language
English Language
Employment: 0,5
Expected start: October 2023
Written applications with professional CV, required list of publications, research activities and copies of documents on education are accepted by the Personnel Department of the Faculty of Education, Charles University (e-mail or by post to Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Prague 1) within 30 days of the announcement on the official noticeboard of the Faculty.
Published on the official desk of the Faculty: 8.5.2023
By sending your application you consent to the processing and storage of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. We consider your personal material confidential and will be handled in accordance with the aforementioned law.
Information on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data at Charles University: GDPR
Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University announces selection procedures for position
Researcher – post-doctoral position
Workplace: Faculty of Education, Charles University
Job description:
• Collaboration on a research activity of the department.
• Participation and cooperation on beginning of new research activities (mainly on the development of international consortium ICSE (International Centre of STEM Education).
• Participation in publishing and other dissemination activities.
Basic requirements:
• Higher education.
• Field of Science or Technology oriented to education (subject didactics), eventually science or technology completed by confirmed research activity oriented to education.
• Academic degree PhD in any of the above fields (at most 7 years after successfully passing PhD studies or its foreign counterparts).
• Researcher from abroad - a researcher who has worked for at least 2 whole years in the last 3 years outside of the Czech Republic in the field of research for at least a half-time job, or has been a PhD student (or similar forms) abroad. Citizens of the Czech Republic are not excluded.
• Publishing activities – at least 2 publication outputs in the last 3 years (Professional publications registered in the databases of Thomson Reuters Web of Science, Scopus or ERIH PLUS, as well as publications like “article”, “book”. “book chapter”, “letter”, and “review”.).
• Minimum 3-years of experience in research documented by list of publications (includes the years of studying for Ph.D.).
• Fluency in English language.
Other requirements:
• List of publications with focus to quality impacted journals (indexing in Thomson Reuters Web of Science, Scopus, ERIH PLUS or next important).
• List of solved research and development projects.
Employment: full-time
Expected start: 1. 1. 2022
Expected duration: until 31. 12. 2022
Written applications with professional CV and copies of documents on education and asked list of publications and solved research and development projects are accepted by Personnel Department of the Faculty of Education of the Charles University, e-mail, or by post to Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Prague 1 until 4. 12. 2021.
Published on the official desk 26.11.2021
By sending your application you consent to the processing and storage of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. We consider your personal material confidential and will be handled in accordance with the aforementioned law. Information on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data at Charles University: GDPR
Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University announces selection procedure UKPedF/364504/2021 for position
Academic Staff – Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer of Department of Psychology
a) position of the associate professor
Basic requirements:
• Master university degree in the field of psychology
• degree in psychology (educational psychology or similar or the study in Ph.D. studies in these fields)
• min. 6 years of experience, 5 years of teaching at university
• scientific work
Further requirements:
• qualifications for scientific work
• publications
• experience with teaching mathematics to future teachers at the university
• supervision of Ph.D. theses
• teaching of subjects in the field of counselling psychology, educational psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, methodology or others
Employment: 0,5 - 1
Expected start date: from October 2021 till January 2022
b) position of the senior lecturer
Basic requirements:
• Master university degree in the field of psychology
• Ph.D. degree in psychology (educational psychology or similar or the study in Ph.D. studies in these fields)
• min. 4 years of experience
Further requirements:
• qualifications for scientific work
• experience with teaching mathematics to future teachers at the university
• publications
• teaching of subjects in the field of counselling psychology, educational psychology, clinical psychology, methodology or others
Employment: 0,5 - 1
Expected start date: from October 2021 till January 2022
Written applications with professional CV, required list of publications, research activities and copies of documents on education are accepted by the Personnel Department of the Faculty of Education, Charles University (e-mail or by post to Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Prague 1) within 30 days of the announcement on the official noticeboard of the Faculty.
Published on the official desk of the Faculty: 13.8.2021
By sending your application you consent to the processing and storage of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. We consider your personal material confidential and will be handled in accordance with the aforementioned law.
Information on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data at Charles University: GDPR
Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University announces selection procedure UKPedF/321524/2021
Doyen de la Faculté de Pédagogie, Université Charles
lance le concours no UKPedF/321524/2021
for position/pour le poste
Professor -Academic Staff of Department of French Language and Literature for teaching didactics of French and other modern languages
du Professeur aggrégé / Professeur - Garant de cours
au Département de langue et littérature française
Basic requirements: Exigences de base
• „doc.“ or „Professor“ degree / grade académique de Professeur aggrégé ou Professeur
• French Language and Didactics of Modern Languages / Didactique du FLE et/ou de langues modernes
• a minimum of 10 years´s experience in teaching French and/or language teaching at secondary school and at university /10 ans d´expérience dans le milieu universitaire et dans le domaine minimum
Other requirements: Autres exigences
• fluent French and English, written and oral skills for the purpose of lecturing, academic writing, working in international teams, collaboration with the Department English Language and Literature etc.) / maîtrise du français et de l'anglais, compétences écrites et orales en vue de donner des cours, de rédiger des articles scientifiques, de travailler au sein d'équipes internationales, de collaborer avec le département de langue et littérature anglaises, etc.)
• a list of publications / liste de publications
• research areas / domaines de recherche
o research methods in Didactics of French Language and other modern languages / recherche dans le domaine de la didactique du FLE et d´autres langues étrangères
Employment/Emploi: 0,5
Expected start/début de contrat prévu: October 2021/octobre 2021
Written applications with professional CV, required list of publications, research activities and copies of documents on education are accepted by the Personnel Department of the Faculty of Education, Charles University (e-mail or by post to Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Prague 1) within 30 days of the announcement on the official noticeboard of the Faculty.
Les candidatures écrites accompagnées d'un CV professionnel, d'une liste de publications et de copies de justificatifs d'études sont acceptées par le département des ressources humaines de la Faculté de Pédagogie, Université Charles, Magdaléna Rettigová 4, 116 39 Prague 1 (e-mail : dans les 30 jours suivant la publication de la procédure de sélection sur le tableau d'affichage officiel de la faculté.
Published on the official desk of the Faculty/Publié sur la tableau d´affichage officiel le: 22.7.2021
By sending your application you consent to the processing and storage of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. We consider your personal material confidential and will be handled in accordance with the aforementioned law.
En soumettant la candidature, le candidat accepte le traitement et le stockage des données personnelles conformément au règlement (UE) 2016/679 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 avril 2016 relatif à la protection des personnes physiques à l'égard du traitement des données à caractère personnel. Nous considérons que les documents personnels du candidat sont confidentiels et ils seront traités conformément à la législation susmentionnée.
Information on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data at Charles University/ Informations sur le traitement et la protection des données personnelles à l'Université Charles : GDPR
Requirement of a tender procedure announcement
Faculty Position: associate professor / senior lecturer
Department of the Czech Language
Basic requirements:
• Completed MA in the Czech Language and a PhD degree in the Czech Language or the Didactics of the Czech Language
• For those applying for the associate professor position, a habilitation thesis in the field of the Didactics of the Czech Language is required
• Research focus: the Czech Language and the Didactics of the Czech Language
• A minimum of 5 year experience with the teaching of the Czech language at the Primary, Secondary or University level
Further requirements:
• Good knowledge of the English language
• A list of publications in the subject area of the Czech language and the didactics of the Czech language is required
• Experience with working on scientific projects
• Active participation in national/international conferences
• Ability to implement the newest trends in the didactics of the Czech language into one’s own teaching at the University (the applicant should attach the conception of teaching at the university to the application form)
• Those applying for the position of a senior lecturer should present their plans for obtaining the associate professor degree
Employment: 1,0
Expected start date: 1. 10. 2021
Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University
announces the selection procedure UKPedF/307274/2020 for position:
associate professor / senior lectures of Department of the Czech Language
Basic requirements:
• Completed MA in the Czech Language and a PhD degree in the Czech Language or the Didactics of the Czech Language
• For those applying for the associate professor position, a habilitation thesis in the field of the Didactics of the Czech Language is required
• Research focus: the Czech Language and the Didactics of the Czech Language
• A minimum of 5 year experience with the teaching of the Czech language at the Primary, Secondary or University level
Further requirements:
• Good knowledge of the English language
• A list of publications in the subject area of the Czech language and the didactics of the Czech language is required
• with working on scientific projects
• Active participation in national/international conferences
• Ability to implement the newest trends in the didactics of the Czech language into one’s own teaching at the University (the applicant should attach the conception of teaching at the university to the application form)
• Those applying for the position of a senior lecturer should present their plans for obtaining the associate professor degree
Employment: 1,0
Expected start date: 1. 10. 2020
Written applications with a professional CV, copies of educational documents and a list of publishing activities are accepted by the Personnel Department of the Faculty of Education of Charles University (e-mail: or by post to Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Prague 1) within 30 days of the announcement on the official notice board of the Faculty.
Published on the official notice board of the Faculty: ………………….
Information on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data at Charles University: GDPR
Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University
announces the selection procedure UKPedF/357049/2020
for position:
Assistant (Academic Staff) of Department of Andragogy and Educational Management
Basic requirements:
• completed MA
• Educational Management, Pedagogy and/or Andragogy
• Work specialization (professional focus): organizational provision of the practical part of teaching (professional practice)
Other requirements:
• very good knowledge English, written and oral skills for the academic writing, working in international teams etc.
• organizational skills and experience with the implementation of lifelong learning programs
• experience with work in national research project
• experience with presenting research at national and international conferences
Employment: 0,5
Expected start: October 2020
Written applications with a professional CV, copies of educational documents are accepted by the Personnel Department of the Faculty of Education of Charles University (e-mail: or by post to Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Prague 1) within 30 days of the announcement on the official notice board of the Faculty.
Published on the official notice board of the Faculty: 16.9.2020
By sending your application you consent to the processing and storage of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. We consider your personal material confidential and will be handled in accordance with the aforementioned law.
Information on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data at Charles University: GDPR
Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University announces
selection procedure UKPedF/117915/2021
for position
Academic Staff – Assistant for teaching practical language
of Department of English Language and Literature
Basic requirements:
• completed MA degree, at least ongoing Ph.D. degree
• the field of English Language and Didactics of English Language
• a minimum of 5 year´s experience in teaching English at secondary school and at university
Other requirements:
• fluent English, written and oral skills for the purpose of lecturing, academic writing, working in international teams etc.
• a list of publications
• research areas: research methods in Didactics of English Language
Employment: 0,8
Expected start: October 2021
Written applications with professional CV, required list of publications, research activities and copies of documents on education are accepted by the Personnel Department of the Faculty of Education, Charles University (e-mail or by post to Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Prague 1) within 30 days of the announcement on the official noticeboard of the Faculty.
Published on the official desk of the Faculty: …………… 2021
By sending your application you consent to the processing and storage of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. We consider your personal material confidential and will be handled in accordance with the aforementioned law.
Information on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data at Charles University: GDPR
Dean of the Faculty of Education, Charles University announces selection procedure UKPedF/30229/2021
Faculty Positions: senior lecturer, Department of Education
a) position of the senior lecturer
Basic requirements:
• master university degree
• the field of sociology or psychology
• Ph.D. degree in sociology or social psychology
• sociology or social psychology with applications to education and education issues
Further requirements:
• at least five years' experience as an academic or scientific researcher in a university or research institution
• active knowledge of English (ability to teach in English)
• international professional experience an advantage
• quality publishing activity in the field is foreseen
• engagement in international grant projects, active participation in conferences and other professional activities in the field
Employment: 0,5
Expected start date: September 2021
b) position of the senior lecturer
Basic requirements:
• master university degree
• the field of psychology
• Ph.D. or CSc. in clinical psychology or health psychology
• specialization: clinical psychology, psychopathology or health psychology with applications to education and education issues
Further requirements:
• at least five years' experience as an academic or scientific researcher in a university or research institution
• active knowledge of English (ability to teach in English)
• international professional experience an advantage
• Quality publishing activity in the field is foreseen
• engagement in international grant projects, active participation in conferences and other professional activities in the field
Employment: 0,5
Expected start date: September 2021
Written applications with professional CV, required list of publications, research activities and copies of documents on education are accepted by the Personnel Department of the Faculty of Education, Charles University (e-mail or by post to Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Prague 1 within 30 days of the announcement on the official noticeboard of the Faculty.
Published on the official desk of the Faculty: 5.3.2021
By sending your application you consent to the processing and storage of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. We consider your personal material confidential and will be handled in accordance with the aforementioned law.
Information on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data at Charles University: GDPR