The Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies is an exchange programme for regional cooperation between universities in Central and South-Eastern Europe.

The programme aims to create bridges between the universities of the member countries through cooperation projects called networks. The programme facilitates the mobility of students and academics and helps to interconnect the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area.

Ceepus is open to both students and teachers.

Activities within the network may include:

Mobility of academic staff

Short-term student stays

Semester-long student stays

Summer schools

Field trips

Coordination meetings

For admission process please look HERE

Faculty of Education networks

The Faculty of Education has Four active networks students and teachers can benefit from:

  • CZ-1802-01-2324 (Umbrella)

  • Music education and its creative aspects

  • Role: Coordinator

  • Cooardinator at Charles University:

    • Facuty of Education, Department of music education

    • Dr. Jiřina Jiřičková ( )

  • Network description:

    • The project aims to deepen regional cooperation between the partners in the field of music education research. The network offers the participating institutions an immediate transfer of experience, inspiration and further growth of the competences of the participants in the field of music pedagogy for teaching and learning in general education (especially elemental music and dance pedagogy, music psychology and other intradisciplinary and interdisicplinary musical disciplines). It will enable students to meet renowned experts, teachers to use some valuable and difficult to access resources. Within the framework of the newly established network, several coordination meetings, short-term academic mobilities at partner institutions (teaching hospitalization, study stay) is planned.The individual partners will produce a report and project implementation every 3 months. Subsequently, a meeting will take place at the ZOOM to determine the next steps. A final report will be produced.

  • HU-0028-17-2324

  • Active Methods in Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Informatics and their Applications

  • Role: Participant

  • Coordinator at Charles University:

    • Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Education

    • Doc. Antonin Jancarik ( )

  • Network description:

    • Our network is aimed at enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, Informatics and their Applications in our partnership by finding those active methods which can catalyse the classical teaching methods based on the excellent opportunities offered by CEEPUS networking, in a large cooperation of 77 partners from 14 CEEPUS countries. Our network has been awarded the CEEPUS Ministers' Prize of Excellence in 2006, and 2013. A great variety of teaching programs, intensive and joint activities and excellent partner staff contribute as well to cooperation, fulfilling the high quality, and to meet the needs of the labour market. A strong cooperation of the doctoral programs of the partner institutions offers our students an excellent opportunity for building up their research career, and beside professional advantages to become active members of international scientific communities. We create a shareable database with various educational and research materials, to enhance mobilities.

  • SK-1315-06-2324

  • Shared History of Central Europe

  • Role: Participant

  • Coordinator at Charles University:

    • Faculty of Education, Department of History and of Didactics of History

    • PhDr., Ph.D. Jan Zdichynec ( )

  • Network description:

    • In 2023/24 the institutions involved within CEEPUS network intend to strengthen a transnational cooperation on field of research and sharing knowledge of joint history of Central European and Balkan countries which has historically been overlapping one another's development throughout centuries. After successful first years of network's implementation partners within the network have an ambition to deepen a mutual cooperation and to provide the students and teachers another round of fascinating opportunities to expand their own academic networks and push the boundaries of their knowledge and experience. In 2023/24 we intend to concentrate on commemorating the 'turning points' anniversaries of recent notable events of 1918, 1938 and 1968 within our courses and programs.

  • AT-1401-05-2324

  • SIMPLE - Social IMPact of distance LEarning

  • Role: Participant

  • Coordinator at Charles University:

    • Faculty of Education, Czech language department

    • doc. PhDr. Ph.D. Pavla Chejnová ( )

  • Network description:

    • Over the last years distance learning got an important role in higher education. We spend many hours with learning and teaching in front of the computer, using various online tools. Distance learning is focused mainly on reaching goals concerning knowledge and skills while social aspects and social interaction among students are rather rare. Hence shaping their proper attitudes is hard to achieve. Because of this, more and more students complain about the missing social contact with peers and also between students and teachers. This network has the aim to discover the wide range of social aspects of distance learning and to create concepts and solutions on how to enrich social activities in distance learning in higher education, to improve the learning process.

      This network run a weekly online conference about social impact of distance learning, all the outcomes of this project are published under an open license and all, including the handbook is available online as open document.

Last change: January 22, 2024 10:59 
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