International Co-operation

The Faculty of Education, Charles University emphasizes the development of international cooperation. International exchange programmes providing the mobility of students and scholars play a significant role here.

One of the most important programmes is the European Union Programme Erasmus+ that offers study stays and traineeships for students and teaching or training for academic staff. Other European programmes include also Erasmus-Mundus Programme enabling the students to receive joint Master’s or PhD degrees from more than one university. Our Faculty is directly involved in the programme MA/Mgr. in Special and Inclusive Education.

Charles University also emphasizes the development of international cooperation implemented on the basis of a network of inter-university agreements. This network currently includes almost 200 partner universities from all over the world. Cooperation with partner universities takes place in a wide range of areas – from student and academic staff mobility, through joint research projects, to seminars and summer schools. Charles University also enables PhD students to participate in cotutelle programmes, involving the joint supervision of dissertations by two tutors. At the end of their studies, cotutelle graduates receive two diplomas – one from Charles University and the other from the partner university.

Academic staff use their stays abroad via the inter-university agreements mainly to gain knowledge for their research and/or publication, for presenting their results or planning and realisation of common research projects.

Faculty agreements are another widely used mechanism to support international mobility. These agreements enable Charles University students and staff to participate in a broad spectrum of activities at partner institutions, as well as providing an excellent opportunity for international students and staff to arrange short-term stays at Charles University.

Other possibilities for students include e.g. Visegrad Fund, CEEPUS freemovers programme and various other programmes and foundations.

Last change: November 23, 2021 12:01