• Full-degree students (Bc., Mgr.)

Full-degree students (Bc., Mgr.)

The Faculty of Education guarantees Bachelor and Master Degree studies for initial teacher education for pre-school education, primary education and education for practically all subjects and educational domains in the lower and upper secondary school curriculum. It offers also PhD study programmes.

At the Faculty of Education, there are about 3040 students on the 3-years’ Bachelor Studies programme, 1370 students on the 2-years MA Studies’ programme, 680 on the 5-years’ MA Studies’ programme, and 280 students on PhD studies.

BA and MA study programmes

In 2006, the faculty adopted the ECTS credit system which is acknowledged in all EU countries and thereby allows for easier student mobility within the EU.

The student of the Faculty of Education typically studies a combination of two subjects.

  • Bachelor study programmes

The 3-year BA study programme aims to give the students substantial knowledge in the two chosen subjects, yet it does not constitute a teaching degree – the BA graduates are not officially qualified to teach. That is why the structure of compulsory and elective courses offered within programme is tailored in a way that builds up the professional expertise in the chosen subjects rather than the educational skills and teaching competences of the students. The BA syllabus consequently includes only a few courses in pedagogical and psychological disciplines. However, the syllabus also includes a compulsory motivational teaching practice which should help the students decide whether they want to continue in the follow-up MA study to earn a teaching degree.

  • Master study programmes

The graduates of the 2-year follow-up MA programme will have acquired substantial expertise in the professional area covered by the two core subjects of their choice and, in addition to this, they will also have developed their pedagogical, psychological and didactic competences, crucial for any teaching profession. Thus, apart from compulsory and elective courses which seek to solidify the students’ professional expertise, the MA syllabus also includes specifically tailored didactic courses and a fully-fledged student teaching practice, all of which are integrated in an organic and interconnected system. The graduate of the follow-up MA study is fully qualified to teach at higher primary and secondary schools.

Last change: February 12, 2018 12:10