Organisational structure

Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Education


The department offers teacher training programmes for lower and upper secondary mathematics teachers in a three-year bachelor study and a two-your master study and participates on the preparation of elementary school teachers. An original teaching method called 'teaching aimed at building schemas' has originated in the department and student teachers are introduced to it in mathematics education courses. The department also organises courses for further education of teachers.

Scientific activities

The department offers a four-year doctoral study in mathematics education (in Czech and in English), ending with the title of Ph.D. Members of the department cooperate with researchers from foreign universities, such as the University of Bordeaux, University of Derby, University in Kassel, and Durham University. Their contacts with institutions abroad enable them to offer exchange programmes within Erasmus+ to their graduate and Ph.D. students. Members of the department are active both in the national and international research communities, being members of international programme committees of conferences in mathematics education, members of international professional organizations and editorial boards of international journals. The department has also organised several international conferences in mathematics education.





Last change: March 25, 2020 16:30