Organisational structure

Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy


The Social Sciences and Philosophy Department of the Charles University – provides at the Pedagogical faculty pregraduate studies of triennial Bachelor´s two-branches study program of Specialization in pedagogy in the study branch - Basics of Social Sciences focusing on education and Master´s biennial two-branches program - Teaching for secondary schools in study branch General education teaching for elementary and secondary schools in Basics of Social Sciences. Besides the two-branches Master's program has also an accredited Master´s biennial one-branch program - Teaching of Social sciences, philosophy and ethics. Besides the pregraduate studies offers Lifelong Learning Programs, especially extended one-branch biennial study program of Civics and social sciences, and various continuing education courses for teachers. Further gives the opportunity for PhDr graduation in Social sciences and postgraduate study of philosophy (Ph.D.), habilitation of associate professors and professors of philosophy. Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy also organizes the University of the Third Age.

Scientific activities

Our Department has established a broad cooperation in the science with many European universities (Humboldt University in Berlin, FreieU Berlin,  TU Darmstadt, University of Kaunas, University of Padova, The University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszinski in Warsaw, University of Trnava, University of Novosibirsk, University of Raymundo Lullus on Mallorca etc), thus allows studying abroad within ERASMUS for the doctoral students and other possibilities for scientific cooperation (joint publication of the journal Philosophy of Education, scientific meetings on the ground of Central European Philosophy of Education Society). Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy annually organizes the International interdisciplinary conference on the philosophical and social science topics. Members of our Department are scientifically involved in many projects (GA ČR, GA UK, OP VVV, PROGRES Q17) and international scientific activities (MOEL/SOEL). We also publish a journal - PAIDEIA: PHILOSOPHICAL E-JOURNAL OF CHARLES UNIVERSITY.




Last change: March 25, 2020 16:30 
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