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The Curriculum Development Process in Ireland and Focus on Literacy and Numeracy

Dr Majella Dempsey (Maynooth University, Ireland)

In this presentation I will give a concise overview of how curriculum development is carried out in Ireland and explain how the new curriculum features a focus on literacy, numeracy and key skills. I will give an overview of the work of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) and how this links with the Department of Education (DES) and the State Examinations Commission (SEC). Curriculum development in Ireland is a highly consultative and collaborative process. Curriculum implementation is not a smooth process with many issues and obstacles holding back real change.

To explore and unpack these challenges and to share the supports needed for curriculum change I will use the Junior Cycle Reform as a case to share with you. We will discuss together frameworks for curriculum development and assessment. I will explicate the supports provided by the government for curriculum implementation and teacher professional development. Together we will explore similarities and differences between Ireland and the Czech Republic and seek to share experiences.

Dr Majella Dempsey, Lecturer in education and course leader for the Bachelor of Science with Education and the Bachelor of Mathematics with Education programmes in Maynooth University. Lectures on Curriculum development, Research methods, Teaching, Learning and Assessment. At the heart of all research interests is the role of pedagogy in teaching, learning, assessment and curriculum.

Event start 24 October 2018
Event end 24 October 2018
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