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Mathematical flexibility: A promising focus for research and practice

Prof. Jon R. Star from Harvard University will lead a lecture on the topic of mathematical flexibility. The abstract follows: "Mathematical flexibility is increasingly recognized as an important construct of interest for both researchers and practitioners in mathematics education. Flexibility can be characterized as a learner’s willingness to change strategies based on the particular problem-solving conditions or goals. In this talk, I first provide an introduction to flexibility. I then explore different ways that flexibility has been assessed, highlighting successes and challenges in the various forms of assessment. I then present recent empirical research results on flexibility, and I conclude by suggesting some promising areas for future research on flexibility."

Jon R. Star works as a Professor of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. His research is in mathematics education at the level of secondary school, particularly around flexibility in problem solving. He collaborates with colleagues at universities in the U.S. and other countries. He began cooperating with Lukáš Vízek during his Fulbright fellowship at Harvard University.

ZOOM: https://cuni-cz.zoom.us/j/3270856405

All those interested are warmly welcome

Event start 7 March 2024 at 14:00
Event end 7 March 2024 at 16:00
Type of event Lecture
Organiser Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Education
Organiser's contact email nada.vondrova@pedf.cuni.cz
Organiser's contact phone 221900249
Venue Magdalény Rettigové 47/4, Prague 1, 2nd floor, room R216
Target group Academic community and public
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