Norway Grants

EEA funds (Norway grants)

They support study stays and project cooperation with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. Schools at all levels of education, professional institutions and non-profit organizations can participate.

The aim of the program

The aim of the program is to increase the educational base and human capital in the Czech Republic, reduce economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and strengthen cooperation with Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

The Education program supports projects aimed at cooperation between schools and other educational institutions, which lead to the modernization and innovation of teaching. Schools can also exchange pupils, students and staff during study and teaching stays. Almost 7 million euros are set aside for the implementation of projects. In the first two rounds of calls, 57 projects were supported with a total allocation of 3.5 million euros.

General conditions

Each project must involve at least one partner organization from Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway - usually a school, but it can also be a private company, research center, health center, non-profit organization, cultural institution and the like.

Current NG calls

  • !Important notice! - the main applicant must have already finished their PhD in order to be co-applicant. Best scenario is when a consortium of University partners is made and Faculty of Education is selected as a co-applicant in the research proposal. All applicant must forward the Faculty grant form to and have it signed by the department head before applying to the EC Europa portal. Investment costs are not elligable costs at PedF CUNI.

Last change: November 27, 2024 12:43 
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