Course list

You can find the list of offered Erasmus+ courses for the academic year 2024/2025 HERE

Updated: 17.10.2024


  • Erasmus students are not allowed to pick other courses from Faculty of Education outside those listed above.

  • Students must pick at least 1- 2 courses from the department of nomination.

  • If a course is taught in both semester, student can enroll in it only once per study. The lessons are the same.

  • Erasmus students are allowed to choose courses from other faculties but other faculties are not obligated to accept them.

    • If the student picks courses from other faculties, they are required to pick 51% of courses and credits from the Faculty of Education.

    • If the student picks courses from other faculties, they must deliver an acceptance (can be in the form of email) from the teachers of the chosen courses to the Erasmus+ Administrator.

  • Faculty of Education offers courses in multiple language.

    The language is specified by the last letter of the code followingly:

    • Z = English

    • Y = German

    • W= French

    • T = Russian

  • Code distinction:

    • OEB... = course for Bachelor level students

    • OEN... = course for Master level students

    • OEO... = course for all level students

Last change: October 17, 2024 13:36