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  • A Celebration Concert for the 100th Anniversary of Jan Hanuš's Birthday, Dvořák Concert Hall, Rudolfinum

A Celebration Concert for the 100th Anniversary of Jan Hanuš's Birthday, Dvořák Concert Hall, Rudolfinum

A festive concert organized by the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, took place on May 11, 2015 in the Dvořák Concert Hall of the Rudolfinum in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Jan Hanuš's birthday and as a part of the cycle "Pocta tvůrcům" ( In Honour to the Creators). Many gifted musicians performed: children's choirs, Pražská kantiléna, Zvoneček, Slavíčci, Radost Praha and Rolnička; women's choirs, Iuventus paedagogica and Cancioneta Praga; mixed choirs Subito, Adlibitum, Piccolo Coro and the Charles University Faculty of Education choir, accompanied by the Collegium Paedagogicum and Piccola orchestras.

Last change: February 12, 2018 12:10