Characteristics of the Studies

The doctoral studies are conceived as a preparatory programme for scholars and researchers whose creative endeavours contribute to the development of theory and research in the field of Public history and similar social sciences related to history and history science. The programme aims preferably to enhance their relevant expertise, to disseminate relevant research findings and trends in the field of education and tocultivate methodological competences of doctoral students.

General focus of the study programme offers students the chance to get acquainted more deeply with the pedagogical disciplines. The focal point of the doctoral study is a doctoral dissertation/thesis, defined as an original scholarly work whose findings enrich the respective field of study within the broader context of developing the discipline.

Individual Study Plan (ISP)

Ph.D. student in the cooperation with his/her supervisor draws up the ISP where the student plans and specifies study obligations. The main accent will be put on the controlled self-study and on the individual scientific-research activities. The ISP, approved by the Doctoral (Subject Area) Board, includes: compulsory subjects, study obligations, other obligations and recommended activities. It has to include the planned terms of exams and the time line of the work on the dissertation.


The main requirement for enrolment to the study program is previous completed master degree of history or history-related majors.

Applicants are required to submit a dissertation thesis research proposal with their application. The research project has to include a brief characteristic of the research topic, input hypothesis formulation, methodology suggestions, overview if the local and international source material. An essential part of the admission process is the entrance examination, during which applicants have to defend their research proposals. The committee assures that applicant has the required interest in the selected research area and prerequisites for research work (verifying deeper knowledge of the topic, which the candidate wants to study in doctoral studies).

Submission of a PhD thesis draft

Consists of a professional discussion on a written research project submitted together with the application. The project of research work should be involved in the field of pedagogical sciences, the maximum range of the project proposal is then 10 pages of which the text should include: characteristics of the broader research question area to which the chosen topic belongs, basic theoretical background, the idea of the goal/objectives and structure of the dissertation, formulation of the research problem and considered methodological approaches. In the process of defending the project, the applicant should demonstrate knowledge and skill in pedagogical concepts and methodology of social science research.

Entrance examination

During the first round, the committee will judge the written dissertation thesis proposals which students should submit with their application in order to get to the first round. The project proposal should reflect with its structure, content and form potential for future PhD studies and scientific work. The project should consist of at least 10 pages of written text containing: description of the researched area of interest, research objectives, theoretical outcomes, the structure of the dissertation throughout the studies, research question, hypotheses and suggested methodology.

The second round of entrance exams is conducted directly with applicants who

successfully went through the first round. The second round is conducted via

an interview with the committee based upon the dissertation project proposal

and the given list of cited works/literature. During the project defence, the

applicants should prove basic knowledge and skills in educational concepts and

social science methodology. The interview topics should also cover the contents of

cited literature of the proejct proposal, covering the area of public history, european history with the focus on Bohemia.

Obligations for student:

  • the ISP has to be submitted no later than two months after the start of study

  • the Report on fulfilling of the study plan has to be submitted after the end of each academic year, no later than the end of September

Compulsory subjects finished by examination:

  • 1 subject of Methodology

  • 3 subjects from the proposition of the field of study of Public history

Study obligations with the output: confirmation of the fulfilment of the study obligation:

  • The work on the extended annotation of the dissertation and its submission at the end of the first year of study

  • The offer of subjects and seminars relevant for particular categories

Other obligations which the student has to satisfy during the studies:

  • Conference activities - at least three participations; the active participation at 1 conference in the residential country – the programme and the abstract of the paper in English have to be submitted; and the active participation at 2 international scientific conferences with English as the official language - the programme and the abstract of the paper in English have to be submitted

  • Publication activities – minimum 3 articles in English or any foreign language in the scientific journal or peer-reviewed proceedings

  • Participation at the scientific and pedagogical activities of the training workplace

Internship abroad


Research project proposal


PhD State exam






Pedagogical work


Professional events - summary


Internships - summary


Last change: May 22, 2024 11:40 
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