ENGLISH LANGUAGE and LITERATURE in a Didactic Perspective

Characteristics of the Studies

The doctoral studies are conceived as a preparatory programme for scholars and researchers whose creative endeavours contribute to the development of theory and research in the field of education sciences. The programme aims preferably to enhance their relevant expertise, to disseminate relevant research findings and trends in the field of education and tocultivate methodological competences of doctoral students.

General focus of the study programme offers students the chance to get acquainted more deeply with the pedagogical disciplines. The focal point of the doctoral study is a doctoral dissertation/thesis, defined as an original scholarly work whose findings enrich the respective field of study within the broader context of developing the discipline.

Individual Study Plan (ISP)

Ph.D. student in the cooperation with his/her supervisor draws up the ISP where the student plans and specifies study obligations. The main accent will be put on the controlled self-study and on the individual scientific-research activities. The ISP, approved by the Doctoral (Subject Area) Board, includes: compulsory subjects, study obligations, other obligations and recommended activities. It has to include the planned terms of exams and the time line of the work on the dissertation.

Obligations for student:

  • the ISP has to be submitted no later than two months after the start of study

  • the Report on fulfilling of the study plan has to be submitted after the end of each academic year, no later than the end of September

Compulsory subjects finished by examination:

  • 1 subject of Methodology

  • 3 subjects from the proposition of the field of study of Special Education

Study obligations with the output: confirmation of the fulfilment of the study obligation:

  • The work on the extended annotation of the dissertation and its submission at the end of the first year of study

  • The offer of subjects and seminars relevant for particular categories

Other obligations which the student has to satisfy during the studies:

  • Conference activities - at least three participations; the active participation at 1 conference in the residential country – the programme and the abstract of the paper in English have to be submitted; and the active participation at 2 international scientific conferences with English as the official language - the programme and the abstract of the paper in English have to be submitted

  • Publication activities – minimum 3 essays in English in the scientific journal or peer-reviewed proceedings

  • Participation at the scientific and pedagogical activities of the training workplace

Study obligations ISP input:

 Study plan detail

Module A)  Compulsory courses with examination

Year 1-2 (Winter semester)


English language and literature basis

Year 1-2 (Winter semester)


English language didactics

Year 1-2 (Summer semester)


Education research Methodology course

Year 1 - 3

Additional language course - German or French (OPDA1G103A; OPDA1A104A)

Module B) Voluntary courses - out of which student picks 2 - can be completed any year of the study as long as the course is available and open (Winter semester, year 3)


Angloamerican children literature in the context of education


Angloamerican literary genres with educational potential


English Literature didactics for primary and secondary school level


English Phonetics and Phonology in Education


FSP in english in comparison with Czech language


Innovation in English Language Didactics


Intercultural aspects of English Language Teaching


Corpus Linguistics in English Language Teaching


Linguistic and Didactics reseach methodology


Current EN literature in the context of intercultural communication competence development


Modern linguistic discourse aspects


PhD seminar

Dissertation thesis seminar I-V

Semianrs conducted by regular individual consultations with the supervisor from 2nd until 6th semester of the PhD study.

Individual seminars:











Dissertation thesis defense

Module D) Activities

Conference active participation


2 Conferences in Czech Republic or 1 Conference abroad

Teaching activities


Other activities as part of the IP. In agreement with the supervisor and the guarantor of the SP and in connection with the topic of the dissertation, he / she can participate in the teaching of undergraduate study seminars, he / she can also participate in the research activities of the department. In the case of teaching beyond the set scope, it will be a financially rewarded activity (DPP, DPČ) beyond the scope of a regular doctoral scholarship



3 Professional papers for publication, out of which at least one should be published by an international journal.

Grant project propsal


Grant opportunities of CUNI (eg. GAUK,GAČR, SVV, NAKI, Výzkumný záměr)

Recommended fulfilment of module D - Year 4

International internship / mobility:



one time international internship in duration of at least 1 month


two short time internships/mobilities in duration of at least 1 month

The board can in exeptional cases allow one of these types of mobilities:


Research based international library mobilities in duration of at least 2 weeks


Participation on an international research project


Active aprticipation in PhD student conference conducated by another university

State doctoral examination ODSZ01

The exam should cover these areas:


Education research methodology


English language linguistics, literature and didactics


Dissertation thesis methodology and didactic aspects

Last change: May 22, 2024 11:04