
Programme of study: Education

Guarantor of the programme of study: doc. RNDr. Jana Straková, Ph.D.


Characteristics of the Studies

The doctoral studies are conceived as a preparatory programme for scholars and researchers whose creative endeavours contribute to the development of theory and research in the field of education sciences. The programme aims preferably to enhance their relevant expertise, to disseminate relevant research findings and trends in the field of education and to cultivate methodological competences of doctoral students. General focus of the study programme offers students the chance to get acquainted more deeply with the pedagogical disciplines. The focal point of the doctoral study is a doctoral dissertation/thesis, defined as an original scholarly work whose findings enrich the respective field of study within the broader context of developing the discipline. Due to the nature and content of study, the applicant may consult the theme, the structure of the project and possibilities for its processing with potential supervisors of doctoral studies. Contact details for available supervisors and the thematic areas for dissertation are

Entrance Examination:

In the first round, the commission will assess the written research proposals that students submit together with the application, and will select applicants whose proposal, with its structure, form and content, shows the potential for doctoral studies. The project of research in the field of educational sciences of up to 10 pages of text should include:  characteristics of the research topic/area and its relevance, a literature review on the topic, and/or its theoretical background, formulation of a research problem and specific research questions, description of the methodology chosen to answer the research questions, plan for implementation of the research proposal and references (all works cited in the proposal).

In the second round, there will be an oral discussion on the research proposal with the candidates who have advanced from the first round, and a discussion on the submitted list of professional literature. In defending the proposal, the applicant should demonstrate a basic orientation in concepts related to educational sciences and methodology of social science research. In the discussion of the literature, the applicant will demonstrate a basic overview in the field of education.

Evaluation Criteria: The applicant can get a maximum of ten points, the number of points for the admission to study is getting at least seven points.

Candidates are admitted to study if they meet all admission requirements

a) officially-verified certification of completed undergraduate degree (Master´s degree progeramme)

b) to pass an entrance examination, reach minimum number of point determined by the Dean,

c) to meet any other requirements specified by a given field of study.


Due to the nature and content of study, the applicant may consult the theme, the structure of the project and possibilities for its processing with potential supervisors of doctoral studies. Contact details for available supervisors and the thematic areas for dissertation:

prof. PaedDr. RADKA WILDOVÁ, CSc.

e-mail: radka.wildova@pedf.cuni.

Read more:

Thematic areas for potential PhD projects:

  • Development of initial literacy

  • Primary education and innovation of the teacher training

It is recommended to the potential candidates to contact the supervisor via e-mail: and consult the research project in advance.


e-mail: domini.dvorak@pedf.cuni.

Read more:

Themes for potential Ph.D. projects:

The themes below represent the broader areas, and shall be consulted with Dominik to set up more a specific research project.

  • The impact of school organizational arrangements on teaching and learning

  • National curricula in the age of globalization


e-mail: david.greger@pedf.cuni.

The list of publications and a more detailed CV is available at the following website:

Themes for potential Ph.D. projects:

The themes below represent the broader areas for which I am available to supervise Ph.D. candidates in English. It is highly recommended that potential candidates contact me via e-mail ( and consult on the narrowing of the topic for their research project in advance.

  • Students’ sorting / tracking in education – mechanisms and effects.

  • Inequalities in education (education of Roma children, the socially disadvantaged, the role of social capital, gender inequalities).

  • Educational change and formulation of national policies in the context of social transformations and globalization.

  • Analysis of accountability systems and its side-effects (e.g. high-stakes testing, school inspections)

  • Secondary analyses of data from large-scale international studies and its use in national policies.


e-mail: karel.stary@pedf.cuni.

The list of publications and a more detailed CV is available at the following website:

Themes for potential Ph.D. projects:

The themes below represent the broader areas for which I am available to supervise Ph.D. candidates in English. It is highly recommended that potential candidates contact me via e-mail ( and consult on the narrowing of the topic for their research project in advance.

  • Professional development of teachers.

  • Advanced reading literacy.



The list of publications and a more detailed CV is available at the following website:

Themes for potential Ph.D. projects:

Below are listed broader areas with some specific examples of theses foci as an illustration. The specific topic of a particular thesis will be agreed upon with the particular candidate via email ( prior to the application process.

  • International large-scale achievement surveys and their impact on education policy

  • Evaluation and assessment in education, challenges and developments

doc. PhDr. HANA VOŇKOVA, Ph.D.


The list of publications and a more detailed CV is available at the following website:

Themes for potential Ph.D. projects:

The themes below represent the broader areas for which I am available to supervise Ph.D. candidates in English. It is highly recommended that potential candidates contact me via e-mail ( and consult on the narrowing of the topic for their research project in advance.

  • Anchoring vignette method and its application in education.

  • Measurement of teacher quality.

  • Measurement of the Subjective Well-being of Teachers and Students

RNDr. Patrícia Martinková, Ph.D. 


Themes for potential Ph.D. projects:

  • Psychometric analyses in international large scale assessments



The list of publications and a more detailed CV is available at the following website:

Theme for potential Ph.D. projects:

  • Shadow education (private supplementary tutoring) - its determinants and implications

Last change: November 23, 2021 12:02