Didactics of Chemistry

Programme of study: Didactics of Chemistry

Guarantor of the programme of study: prof. PhDr. Hana Čtrnáctová, CSc.

Supervisor of Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Education: prof. PhDr. Martin Bílek, Ph.D.

E-mail: martin.bilek@pedf.cuni.cz

Characteristics of the Studies

The goal of the doctoral study program Didactics of Chemistry is to prepare specialists to improve the quality of chemical education in the Czech Republic in accordance with current social needs and in accordance with the educational programs of advanced European countries based on scientific research results. The doctoral program is focused on the preparation of specialists in the field of chemical education theory in accordance with current knowledge of chemistry, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, informatics and other disciplines. It is a program without specialization. Program without specialization.

Entrance Examination

Oral discussion on the written work and together with the application submitted to the research project. In the admission exam, the applicant must prove relevant knowledge in chemistry didactics, chemistry and pedagogical-psychological disciplines, information and language literacy (verifying knowledge of English or other world language) and prerequisites for research work (verifying deeper knowledge of the topic, which the candidate wants to study in doctoral studies).

Evaluation Criteria:

The applicant can get a maximum of ten points, the number of points for the admission to study is getting at least seven points.

Candidates are admitted to study if they meet all admission requirements:

a) officially-verified certification of completed undergraduate degree (Master´s degree progeramme)

b) to pass an entrance examination, reach minimum number of point determined by the Dean,

c) to meet any other requirements specified by a given field of study.

Last change: January 9, 2020 15:38