Public History

Programme of study: Public History

Guarantor of the programme of study: prof. PhDr. Jiří Pokorný, CSc.


Characteristics of the Studies

The Public history PhD programme gives students wider range of knowledge and skills in historical science and contemporary aspects of historical science and methodological trends which give students important competence in order to present their future scientific work in the community, professional fora and the public. The application framework of this programme leads students towards didactisation of public history. The core aspect of the studies is the dissertation thesis completion which represents an original scientific work based on wide research, further and deeper focus based on literature and terrain work which uses adequate methodological processes, the benefits of didactic principles and also results of international historiography research. The dissertation should represent a significant addition to the specific historical topic and should prove students abilities, knowledge and skills to create an independent scientific work and its application in pracice.

Entrance Examination

Applicants are required to submit a dissertation thesis research proposal with their application. The research project has to include a brief characteristic of the research topic, input hypothesis formulation, methodology suggestions, overview if the local and international source material. An essential part of the admission process is the entrance examination, during which applicants have to defend their research proposals. The committee assures that applicant has the required interest in the selected research area and prerequisites for research work (verifying deeper knowledge of the topic, which the candidate wants to study in doctoral studies).

Evaluation Criteria: The applicant can get a maximum of ten points, the number of points for the admission to study is getting at least seven points.

Candidates are admitted to study if they meet all admission requirements

a) officially-verified certification of completed undergraduate degree (Master´s degree progeramme)

b) to pass an entrance examination, reach minimum number of point determined by the Dean,

c) to meet any other requirements specified by a given field of study.

Last change: May 19, 2020 01:04