• Aktuality


8. března 2023

Oslavte s námi Mezinárodní den žen! 8.3. od 18 hodin se v Kampusu Hybernská uskuteční akce International Women´s Day in Science at CU, kde společně zhlédneme dokumentární film „Picture a Scientist“ a následně proběhne diskuse vědkyň ze zahraničí, které působí na UK. Vzhledem k mezinárodnímu pojetí akce bude celý večer probíhat v anglickém jazyce.

CU Point together with Board for Equal Opportunities of CU invites you to this special event dedicated to women in science, and particularly to women from abroad working or studying at Charles University. We will meet on 8th March at 6PM at Kampus Hybernská. The whole evening will be held in English.

We will start with screening a documentary film „Picture a Scientist“.

„This film chronicles the groundswell of women scientists who are changing the face of science in the United States and around the world. Using dogged research techniques and careful data collection, these women are not only contributing to our understanding of what keeps women scientists down, but advocating for a more diverse and inclusive future for all.“

Afterwards, we invited various female scientists coming from diverse countries, that work at CU now, to discuss about their experience with being an international scholar at CU. Discussion will be led by Associate Prof. Věra Sokolová, the Head of Graduate Program of Gender Studies at Faculty of Humanities, who is also the Chair of the Board for Equal Opportunities of CU and Vice-Chair of Working Group on Equality and Diversity in Coimbra Group.

Contact person: Iveta Bayerová, Coordinator of Equal Opportunities Agenda at CU, iveta.bayerova@ruk.cuni.cz

If you want to attend this event, please register here.

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