Registrace na konference

Initial Reading: “I read and become a reader” (The ways of linking research and practice)

24.9.2014 - 25.9.2014

PedF UK, Magdalény Rettigové 4, Praha 1

organize: Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, Psychology Dept. and Primary Education Dept. in collaboration with the International Symposium on Educational Literacy (ISEL)*

The Conference on Initial Reading Literacy will be held on September 24 – 25, 2014, by the Faculty of Education of Charles University in Prague. It is intended for professionals and specialists from both universities and practice who are interested in the development of reading skills and related literacy skills. Contributions should focus on the following: initial reading literacy research in primary education, teaching reading in primary education, promotion of reading, prevention and solution of problems in the development of reading skills and interventions in the area.
Within the conference there will take place a special workshop of the “International Symposium on Educational Literacy” (Symposium International sur la Littéracie à l’Ecole - ISEL/SILE). All researchers are welcome, especially those who are interested in international research and cooperation within the field of literacy.
Working language is English.


DAY 1 (September 24, 2014): Research in emerging literacy
Morning: opening lectures from the Czech and ISEL/SILE researchers
Afternoon: open ISEL/SILE workshop (Emergent literacy in kindergarten : learning and intervention; Contribution of technology to supporting reading and writing practices)
Evening: social event (visiting Carolinum, reception)

DAY 2 (September 25, 2014): Links between research and practice
Morning: opening lectures from the Czech and ISEL/SILE researchers (lectures translated into Czech and into English)
Afternoon: workshops (1 workshop in English: Emergent reading and writing)

                                                         Scientific & Organization Committee

Organizing Committee of Charles University in Prague
Anna Kucharska, Department of Psychology

Radka Wildova, Department of Primary Education

Gabriela Seidlová Málková, Department of Psychology

Organizing Committee / founder SILE/ISLE

Denis Alamargot, ESPE de l'Académie de Créteil, UPEC, CHArt, Université Paris 8 (France)

Marie-France Morin, Université de Sherbrooke, faculté d’éducation, CREALEC, (Canada)

Carolina Gonçalves, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa (Portugal)


*The objective of the International Symposium on Literacy at the School / International Symposium for Educational Literacy (SILE / ISEL) is to bring together international researchers from different disciplines (education, psychology, linguistics, literature, health…) who are interested in success in reading and writing students, in kindergarten and elementary school. Four topics are considered:
- Emergent literacy in kindergarten : learning and intervention
- Reading and writing in primary school: learners and practices
- Learning disabled students or with difficulties in reading-writing and the support practices to help them progress
- Contribution of technology to supporting reading and writing practices
The first edition of the International Symposium for Educational Literacy took place in November 2013 in Lisbon (Portugal). The second edition of ISEL will be held in Canada (Orford-Sherbrooke) in August 2015. The Workshop that will be held in Prague (Czech Republic) in September 2014 is an intermediary event where researchers are invited to focus on Emergent literacy in kindergarten: learning and intervention and the contribution of technology to supporting reading and writing practices.

The conference is organized within the project PRVOUK P15 "The School and the teaching profession in the context of growing demands for education" and GAČR project P407/13-20678S "Reading comprehension - typical development and its risks" and under the auspices of the Dean of Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague doc. PaedDr. Radka Wildová, CSc.

Poslední změna: 19. květen 2004 16:46 
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