Vybrané výsledky k Peer review v rámci vniřního hodnocení UK za období 2014 - 2018
Apllied research examples 2014 -2018
Other significant results and outputs of the applied research activities with other than economic impact on the society are the following:
1) The outputs of the centre of educational policy of software and specialized maps with content allowing viewing of information regarding the current selection of university and college study programmes and the current demand for university education on public and private faculties in the Czech Republic which were rated in different years (2014). The data contain mainly information of the supply of university study programmes, the demand of university education in various sectors, regional fulfilling of the demand and average age of the applicants in various regions with the possibility to use filters for specific variables. Information about the supply and demand are then visible in absolute values, and in relative numbers based on the number of inhabitants of individual areas/regions of the Czech Republic and in case of the supply of university studies also the division of data can be viewed via filter of the so called university cities in a particular region.
2) The research output of the department of history and didactics of history – type: certified methodology: we like sightseeing 1.-5.: Discovering the culture heritage with preschool and elementary school children, for both years 1.-5. and 5.-9, we also provide care for cultural heritage among university students and guides and methodologies for student teachers, our focus is to help students see cultural heritage as an opportunity for all generations to learn and explore without borders and barriers.
3) The research output of the department of Special Education - type: summerized research report: Change and diversity in community living in Europe - the experiences of persons with disabilities. The aim of the Work Package is to explore how societal changes affect the everyday life and living conditions of men and women with disabilities in Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. The qualitative techniques were used to investigate the lives of disabled people over time with particular focus on community living and active citizenship. Preliminary findings suggest that the majority of people with disabilities interviewed currently live in their own home and experience choice over where they live.
4) Department of biology and environmental studies: type – certified methodology: Methodology for school autoevaluation in environmental education and the concept of environmental education in the municipal area of the capital city Prague (2016 - 2025).
5) Certified methodology: Sightseeing education in historical gardens and parks: Examples of good practice. The methodology focuses on the creation, realisation and evaluation of education programmes conducted in historical gardens and parks with educational content. The methodology is based on 32 examples from practise, which sums up practical guides to how to prepare educational tasks and programmes for a variety of age groups, including schoolchildren to help them engage, discover and develop their educational potential based in an authentic environment of historical parks and gardens, thus supporting the objectives of proinclusive education. The projects gave special focus in the UNESCO sight in Kroměříž gardens.